Welcome to the Wild Affiliate Program
We offer more sexy entertainment options than any other marketing program!
Packages for sale including but not limited to:
- Men For Hire: Striptainers, Buff Butlers, VIP Hosts, Man Candy, Fantasy Date and Specialty Acts
- Women For Hire: Striptainers, Sexy Servers, Atmosphere Models, Gogo/Burlesque Dancers, Golf Caddy, Sushi Models, Card Dealers, Cabana Candy, VIP Hosts, Fantasy Date and Specialty Acts.
- Shows: Tickets & VIP service for Aussie Heat, Black Magic, Magic Mike Live, Chippendales, Thunder from Down Under
- Strip Clubs: Tickets & VIP service for Sapphire/Men of Sapphire, Spearmint Rhino, Hustler/Kings of Hustler, CH3, Treasures, Palominos.
- Party Bus Packages: Custom Party Bus Packages for Special Occasions.

As an affiliate for us, you are able to collect commissions for every sale you refer. Becoming an affiliate is easy and only takes a few minutes to sign up. Once your application is approved, you can integrate our links, banners, widgets, and special deals on your website or social media channel and begin earning commissions. Every time a customer visits our site and clicks to purchase one of our packages, you earn revenue.
Our average sale amount is around $250 with orders ranging from $100 to $4,000. We split the profit with you 50/50. Our typical commission is 10-15% of the sale amount (before tax & fees).
You can refer a sale in two ways. One is with a promo code. The other is through sales widgets on your own website. Widgets are given to agencies that do high volume in sales.
Commissions are paid after the product/service has been consumed. For any questions regarding our affiliate program, feel free to contact our office at (702) 605-0800.
Why Would A Customer Use A Promo Code?
How Do I Know If Someone Used My Promo Code?
Can I Just Promote One Service Or Category?
How Can I Get A White Label Website?
To apply as an affiliate, simply fill out the form below.
Affiliate Program Rules:
You can NOT put your link on a top 10 site, review site, any site that’s designed to gather traffic using spam techniques. You can ONLY place your links on web properties that you own and can control. View our Terms of Use for Affiliates.